2020 08 17 rated 5 out of 5 by torak from just what the doctor ordered wanted to hang a small towel rail on a hollow door.
Fitting door handles to hollow doors.
The bit with the plugs makes it the perfect inexpensive and easy solution to hanging on hollow doors.
Use masking tape to secure the door handle kit s template to the door at this spot.
If your doors have been fitted correctly there should be a lock block where the handles fit ie the door is not hollow where the lock and handles fit.
There are a number of ways to work out the height for your door handle.
The doors may be hollow or egg shell construction but where the latch and handles are there should be a lock block which is a piece of solid wood sometimes chipboard glued to one side of the door to take the ironmongary handles etc.
Both solutions provide a solid and secure for a variety of items including coat hangers and hooks toilet roll holders and door handles.
Maximum sleeve bolt extension 65mm minimum extension 44mm.
Watch this step by step video guide from bunnings warehouse and learn how to make sure the handles.
Installing a door handle is a relatively easy diy project.
You can measure the height of the handles on the other doors in the house and use that.
Repairing loose door handles on hollow doors many modern interior flush doors have a hollow core often consisting of little more than a honeycomb of corrugated cardboard to provide rigidity and a thin plywood skin covered in a vinyl or foil decorative finish.
The door handles on my doors are loose no matter how many times i tighten the.
Supplied as a pair of mbolts and threaded sleeves.
Installing a door handle is a relatively easy home project that you can do with a pre made kit.
Alternatively you can read the instructions that come with the door handle kit and use that height.